- Log into HammerTech
- Select Administration
- Select Observation Types
- Select the Observation Type you want to add the Custom Fields to
- Select if you want it to be displayed during Raising or Closeout of the Observation
- Select the Add Field button
- Enter a name for the Custom Field
- Select the type of field from the drop-down menu
- Select if the 'Field is Compulsory' (Here you can also move the field up or down and delete it if required. The arrows pointing towards a horizontal line will allow you to send the question to either the very top or bottom of the page.)
- Move the Custom Field up or down your list using the up and down arrows
- Expand 'Permissions' to set up who has access to either view or edit the field
- Expand 'Permissions' to change the report data for that field
- Continue to add more fields as required fields as required