To Add an Inspection Type
- Log into HammerTech
- Select Inspection Types
- Select the blue + symbol button in the top right corner of the screen
- Enter the name of the Inspection Type
- Select the appropriate Inspection Category from the drop down list (if set up)
- Select the 'Default Observation Type' *This will be automatically selected as an Available Observation type, otherwise leave as 'No Default Type' (See Inspections Setup > Adding/Removing Observation Types)
- Select the 'Default Report Type' from the options (or no report) this will be the default report format generated for that inspection type, however it can still be changed before you submit an inspection.
- Select whether or not you want the Inspection 'Hidden from Create' - this will mean the Inspection will not appear in the dropdown on the Create New Inspection page, and is used where Child Inspections are set up to avoid them being created as stand alone inspections. Note: This will mean that Employers and workers will not have access to create the inspection by themselves, but can still be assigned to them.
- Select if the Employer (Subcontractor) is allowed to create this Inspection Type
- Select if you want inducted Workers to be allowed to create this Inspection Type - workers are currently able to complete equipment inspections if they are assigned (see Worker Created Equipment Inspections)
- Select the 'Available Observation Types' (If Observation Types have not been created then either complete them first or edit the Inspection Type after they have been created) (See Inspections Setup > Adding/Removing Observation Types)
- Select the 'Available Checklists' (If Checklists have not been created then either complete them first or edit the Inspection Type after they have been created) (See Inspections Setup > Creating a Checklist)
- Select if the available checklist will be automatically added when creating this Inspection Type
- Select if the Inspection Type will be available for 'All' projects or 'Specific Projects' from the drop-down menu.
- If the Inspection Type is for an inspection of equipment then you can also expand the 'Equipment Inspection Options' menu and select which equipment it will be applicable to (This can be modified at any time as equipment is added/removed in the system)
- Once all details are complete select the 'Create' button. Your Inspection Type is now created and can be edited at any time
Note: To delete an inspection type, select it from the list and go to the Options cog in top right corner and > Delete