**Admin Users Only**
As a Project, Region or System Admin User within the HammerTech system, you are able to manage and set up your own HT Sign-in app devices. Whether you are configuring an existing device or adding an new device to your project, the below instructions will guide you through the process.
This article will guide you through how to:
- Setting up a new Sign-in device for a project
- re-configure a device to a different project
- access the log in details for an existing HT Sign-in App
Before following these instructions, make sure the following requirements have been met.
- Administration User - only Project, Region or System Admin Users are able to manage the HT Sign-in app setup. If you are not an administration user, speak to the System Admin of your company to request the required permission.
- Install the latest version of the HT Sign-in app on your device. For further guidance on how to do this, see Sign-in App > How To Update the HT Sign-in App
Setting up a new Sign-in device
When you are needing to setup a new Sign-in Device to sync with the HT Sign-in app, follow the below instructions within HammerTech:
Setup Part one
- Log in to HammerTech
- Select the specific project you wish to setup this device for
- Via the main menu, Go to Project Settings > Sign-in Devices
- In the top right corner, press the blue + button (Add)
- Select the Type of sign-in device you are creating - two options
- Full - HT Sign In App -> this sets up this device with the full functionality of the HT sign-in app (Standard configuration)
Limited - Printable -> This works as a printable Static QR code for the HammerTech system and is available only for visitors to sign in on site.
- Click here for more information about the Limited Functionality QR Code
- Enter a Name and Location for your device
- Press the Create button
Note: The Name and Location will help you to keep track of your device, so enter details that will allow you to identify the tablet easily.
Setup Part two
- Once Part one is complete, open the HT Sign-in App on the device you plan to use
- If this is your first time configuring this device with the HT Sign-in app, you will be taken directly to the Setup screen. This is where you can enter the Project Domain, Company URL and API that was generated in Step one:
- Alternatively, you can select Scan QR Code, and scan the QR code that is found in the Project Settings > Sign-in Devices settings in HammerTech and this will populate this information instantly!
Note: If the device you are using is already configured as a Sign-in Device, you will need to select settings wheel in the upper left hand corner of the app, then enter the PIN that is displayed in the Project Settings > Sign-in Devices settings
Re-configure a device to a different project
If you want to start using your sign-in device on a different project, you will need to make sure you change the configuration details in the app so that they align with the new project. Complete the below instructions within the HT Sign-in app on your device:
- Open the HT Sign-in app on your device
- Go to the blue cog, in the top left of the HT Sign-in app home screen
- Enter the 4 digit setup PIN (can be found within Project Settings > Sign-in Devices)
- You will then be prompted to enter the configuration details
- Enter or Scan the configuration details of the project you are changing to
- Once entered, select Update
Note: see details below on how to access log in details within HammerTech
Access the log in details of an existing HT Sign-in app
To see what the current log in details are for the HT Sign-in app installed on your project, follow the below instructions within HammerTech:
- Log in to HammerTech
- Go to Project Settings > Sign-in Devices
- Select the applicable device from the list
- Once selected, you will be shown the setup details
Note: The Device Name and Device Location will help you to keep track of your device, so enter details that will allow you to identify the tablet easily.
Further Reading
- Refer to Overview > HT Sign-in App for further information.