There are several ways to apply for a Permit in the HammerTech system, they can be created by Main Builder users, or via the subcontractor interface or via scanning the QR Code for the relevant permit zone.
NOTE: If you create the request as a Main Builder user, the permit is automatically approved. If you request a permit as a subcontractor representative, then the request will be sent to the Main Builder for review and approval / rejection.
Exclusive Permit Zones and Exclusive Permit Types
Where a Permit Zone has been flagged as exclusive OR where a Permit Type has been flagged as exclusive, you can't have more than one active permit approved for the same date/time/zone.
Concurrent and Overlapping Bookings
Multiple Permits can only be approved for the same date/time/zone, where the Permit Zone and/or Permit Type are not exclusive.
To Create a New Permit
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right-hand corner
- Select Permits > Create New
- Select Permit Type
- Select Employer
- Select Associated Workers that are involved in the Permit
NOTE: If the Permit Type has the Sign in/out function enabled, you will NOT be able to add associated workers. This is because the workers will be linked to the permit when they actually sign in or out of it.
For more information on Permit Sign-In/out, check out the article here.
- Select which Applicable SWMS are associated with the Permit
- Select which Applicable Equipment is associated with the Permit
- Select the Permit Zone you want to apply for a permit in.
NOTE: If you have selected a Zone OR Permit type that is exclusive and already has a booking, the calendar will give you a visual indication of this conflict. It will be orange if there is a partial conflict or red if there is a whole day conflict.
NOTE: If there is a conflict, you can click on the date and a pop-up will appear showing what times and zone are already booked for that exclusive zone and/or exclusive permit type.
- Select the 'Start Time' and 'Finish Time' for the Permit
- Add any further notes (for any information that doesn't fit into one of the fields on the form that you want to log against the request)
- Select Save as draft OR select Create to finalise your permit request.