What is a User?
HammerTech defines a User as an individual working for the company licensing the software (i.e. the Main Builder). When someone working for a Subcontractor has a login to HammerTech, they are also considered a User, but they are referred to as either a Primary Contact or a Nominated Representative.
This guide is for adding an existing user to a Project and managing their settings accordingly. If you need to set up a new User, please see Company > Setting Up A New User
Once a User has been set up within the HammerTech System, they can then be easily imported onto new Projects, with settings easily managed on a per-Project basis.
Primary Contacts and Nominated Representatives are set up and managed through the Employer's profile. For more information about these roles, see here:
Adding a Subcontractor User > Primary Contact
Adding a Subcontractor User > Nominated Representative
All other individuals using the system, such as inducted workers, do NOT have a login to HammerTech and are managed by Users through Employers and/or Personnel modules.
Add a user to the project
- Log into HammerTech
- Select the project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select Project Settings > Users
- Select the blue + button in the top right hand side of the screen.
- Select the User drop-down, choose the appropriate person to import onto this Project.
Note: If the User does not appear in the drop-down menu check if the user is already on the Project, and if not, the User has not yet been set up in the system, see Company > Setting Up A New User - Select the Role the User will have on this Project (User Roles Explained)
Note: this role is applicable to this project only and will not affect the user's access or settings on any other projects the user is assigned to. - If applicable the User Permission Set applied to this User will be displayed here
- If applicable and the user has a User Permission Set, you can change it to be project specific
NOTE: For more information on Permission Sets, please read the User Permission Set article - Tick other applicable functionality the user requires (Functionality Settings Explained)
- Select Create
User Roles Explained
- Standard User - This user has no administrator rights and will only have access to the projects in which they have been assigned to. They have the ability to access all project menu items and the option to view confidential information however, cannot access or modify any project settings and by default will be unable to access the Administration and Project Settings menu items.
- Standard User (Project Admin) - Ability to access all project menu items, access to project settings, and the option to view confidential information
Functionality Settings Explained
- Has Individual Site Diary - user is given the ability to update a daily Site Diary entry assigned specifically to them.
- Is Site Diary Admin (not applicable to Employer Representative Users) - user is able to modify the Site Diary including the Daily Site Summary, Worker Numbers and Site Diary Entries. User is also able to approve individual site diary entries (if this is not selected, a user will still be able to view individual site diary entries)
- Receive Site Notifications - user will receive all notifications for this Project within their Notification Window.
- Allow Access To Confidential Information (overridden by Admin Role) - user is able to access/see confidential information within the system, i.e. Medical Checklist information within Personnel. To see more about controlling access to confidential information and extended privacy - See Project > Confidential Data Access (Extended Privacy)