To create an Injury Report:
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select Injury
- Select the Blue '+' Plus button in top right corner
- Enter in the Personal Details of the injured person and choose between the following Injured Person Types: Inducted Personnel, Visitor, Client, Member of Public, Other.
- Enter in the Shift Details
- Enter in the Injury Details (The more details entered the better, although some details will not be applicable for every Injury). In the fields that have drop downs shown below, you are able to select as many options as apply.
7.Enter in the Treatment received (if known), this information may not be know at the time of the creation of the report and can be entered in at a later date (See Injury > Managing Editing an Injury Report)
8. Confirm any Lost Time that resulted from the reported injury.
9. Attach any relevant Attachments (Photos, etc...) if applicable
10. Submit Details>Create