Since only the creator of an inspection has the ability to send interim observations and complete their inspection, it may be necessary to assign it to another user so they can take it over to finish and close out.
- During creation, If you do NOT associate an Employer...
- It will be assigned to you, the Main Builder, and have you as the 'Created By'
- You are NOT able to associate with an Employer after creation
- You can NOT assign the Inspection it to an Employer
- Observations raised will be will NOT automatically select that Employer, you can select from a drop down list of all Employers on the Project
- During creation, If you DO associate with an Employer...
- It will be assigned to you, the Main Builder, and have you as the 'Created By'
- You can NOT assign the Inspection it to an Employer
- Observations raised will be WILL automatically select that Employer, but you can still select others from the drop down list
- During creation, If you do NOT associate an Employer...
The only different between associating with an Employer OR not associating with an Employer is any observations raised will be automatically be assigned to that Employer
In the most simple terms...
- Inspections can only be re-assigned to users from within the account it was created
- Main Builder creates an Inspection = can only be assigned to Main Builder Users
- Employer creates an Inspection = can only be assigned to Employer User
Follow the steps below to assign an inspection to another user:
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select> Inspections> Active Inspections
- Select the relevant draft Inspection from the list.
- Click on the Options cog in the top right hand corner and click Assign to User
- Use the dropdown to select the User, and then select Assign to confirm.