By Importing a CSV or Excel file, you are able to easily add the Locations for your project, which can then be used within HammerTech when creating and reporting on Inspections and Observations.
To import a location hierarchy into HammerTech:
- Log into HammerTech and navigate using the left-hand menu to Project Settings > Location Hierarchies
- Select the Options cog in the top right corner, and then Import
- Download the Location Template to view how to correctly list your locations (see screenshot below).
- Build a location hierarchy with your location's details in the spreadsheet.
(the locations in the template are there as an example, and can be removed before you begin) - Upload the completed spreadsheet and select Import.
- Review the preview of the location hierarchy before saving.
Note: To upload a compliant hierarchy, make sure:
- each sub-location shows the full location path (no gaps)
- a maximum of 10 location levels are used
Any locations that already exist, will be flagged in the preview, and will be skipped (to avoid duplicates).