Invalidating a specific worker's induction should be used to reinduct them on a project where they have completed it previously. This will update a worker's test status from Test Completed to Test Invalidated, and send them a link to redo the relevant induction (if an email address has been entered on their profile).
This article will show you how to invalidate a specific worker's induction. To invalidate the project, region, or company induction for a range of workers, go to Inductions > Invalidating Induction Content
Instructions to Invalidate a Worker’s Induction
- Select the worker's profile on the project and scroll down to the Induction Details section.
- Use the cog in the top right corner next to the relevant induction you wish to invalidate (Company/Region/Project) or if you wish to invalidate their entire induction select the cog next to the Panel heading 'Induction Details' and select Invalidate (see below)
- You will be prompted to enter in a ‘reason for invalidation’.