Quick Video Tutorials
General FAQ's
- Logging in to the HammerTech System
- HammerTech Notifications
- I'm unable to sign-in to site
- Choosing a Device for HammerTech
- Company > User Access Levels
- Contact HammerTech
Main Contractor FAQ's
- How to Upload Files, Photos and Documents
- Setting Up a Child Employer (Subcontracted Subcontractor)
- New Induction Steps for Site Wall
- How can I view where an Observation was raised?
- Why are the induction slides uploading in the incorrect order?
- Having Issues Applying for a Permit / Selecting a Zone?
Subcontractor FAQ's
HammerTech Mobile FAQs
- Installing the HammerTech Mobile (HT Mobile) App
- Logging in to HammerTech Mobile (HT Mobile) App
- Offline Mode and Syncing - explained
- Differences in functionality : app vs web
- Do I need a separate login for the HT Mobile app?
- Does an Inspection need to be made available offline, to use offline mode?