- Log into HammerTech (if you are not already logged in), then navigate to the correct project and using the left hand menu, select > Administration > Functions
- To add a function. select the +Add New icon in the top right corner
- Enter in a name for the function
- Select the users who you want assigned to this particular function (all users within the project should be displayed)
Note: Even with Site Notifications turned off, superintendents (users) assigned to functions will still receive emails regarding any Observations assigned to them.
You can also assign Employers to functions to assist when assigning Observations - see Configure and Assign Functions to Employers
Functions within the HammerTech system allow you to easily assign Observations, and ensure the right person/s are notified.
When raising Observations as an employer, selecting a function will ensure those main contractor users who are assigned to a function are notified. (Functions could include Structure, Demolition, Scaffolding, etc.)
Users assigned to a function, have the ability to see on their dashboard how many items require their review, in the same dashboard as Outstanding Observations.