In order to create and manage the meeting types available in your system:
- Go to Admin > Meeting Types
- Select the blue + symbol to create a new meeting OR select an existing meeting type to edit it
- Enter a Name for the Meeting Type you are creating
- The first thing to configure is the Meeting Type Details, which has the following options:
- Is Employer Allowed To Create: Makes this Meeting Type available to Employers for them to create
- Is Attendee Locations Enabled: Allows the worker to specify their meeting attendance location when signing onto the meeting (pulls from the Location Hierarchies list). Not commonly used but can work for large sites conducting the same meeting where they want to specify where a worker physically attended the meeting.
See either Project > Importing Location Hierarchies AND/OR Project > Setting Up Location Hierarchies. - Allow Options For Signature Through Sign-In App: makes this available during Meeting creation
- Mandatory Meeting In Sign In App: This enforces workers to acknowledge they have seen the Meeting, via ticking the checkbox, before they can complete the sign in process
- Must Download to Sign onto Meeting: This enforces workers to download (or view, if on the sign in device) the meeting before they can complete the sign in process. NOTE: If you do NOT have 'Mandatory Meeting In Sign In App' also enabled, they can skip this process by not ticking the meeting checkbox. It will only force the download if they have ticked the meeting checkbox.
- BOTH Mandatory Meeting AND Must Download: If you ticked both, that means the worker must BOTH tick the box AND download the meeting before being able to complete sign into site.
- Is Allowed To Clone: This provides logged in Users to clone a meeting rather than create a new one from scratch
- Choose which Project/s you want this Meeting Type associated with
- Choose whether you would like this Meeting Type added to newly created projects
- Add and enter any custom fields using the Add Field button
- These fields appear when you first create the meeting, and when you go to edit while the meeting is still marked as Incomplete
- Select the type of field from the drop-down menu (Free Text; Text Area; Checkbox; Yes/No; Yes/No/NA; Date; Time; Date Time; Expiry Date; Image/Picture Upload; Image/Picture Download; File Download; File Upload; Heading; Section Break; Large Read only Text; Expandable Text; No Margin Text; Signature Only; Signature With Name; Sub Form)
- Select if the 'Field is Compulsory' (Here you can also move the field up or down and delete it if required)
- Select from the permissions on who has access to either view or edit the field and if the report for that field is either a summary or detailed
- Continue to add fields as required
NOTE: For more detailed info about Custom Fields, CLICK HERE
- Select what system fields you would like to appear on the Meeting form by selecting Include Only (select those that you wish to include) or Exclude Only (select the fields that you don't want to include), or leave the option on None to show all system fields
- Once Completed, select Create, or Save Changes if editing an already existing Meeting Type
NOTE: If you wish to allow Observations to be raised in the Meeting, make sure there are Observation Types configured (Company > Configure Observation Categories and Observation Types) that have the Can Raise In Meetings checkbox ticked