The below information was true at the time of writing (31st July 2017), as we do not control either product discussed, we cannot be responsible for changes made to the product line that may impact the below.
Whether you utilize VIMEO or YouTube is completely an individual decision to manage the upload of your videos.
VIMEO is a cleaner solution with an easier user interface to control the settings and automatically blocks advertisements, we recommend if you choose VIMEO to sign-up for the Plus version of the product ($9 per month billed annually)
YouTube is a free product that requires a Google account to upload a video. Whilst you still have similar abilities to VIMEO plus such as:
- Hiding the playback controls
- Disabling advertising and recommended videos
- Embedding into HammerTech
- Controlling Privacy Settings
The overall user experience is harder and customizing the settings to your needs requires a little more technical expertise. As the YouTube account is free, whilst they offer the ability to disable advertisements today, this could change at any point in time.
Playback quality for both has been great, and we have had positive feedback from all clients. Depending on geographical location we have found that sometimes one or the other has seemed to provide a better user experience, so we recommend possibly trying out both on multiple devices at the location in which you will be utilizing the product to see which works best for you.
For Youtube instructions, see How to Upload Induction Videos - Youtube.
Vimeo Instructions:
- You will need a Vimeo PLUS account, at the very least, to have the correct security setting functionality. If you do not have one, create an account first.
- Upload your video as guided by Vimeo.
- Once uploaded, go to the top of the screen and select ‘Manage Videos’ > ‘My Videos’.
- Your videos will be listed on the page. To the right hand side of the video you are wanting to upload, select the Settings cog.
- Once you are in the settings screen for your video, select ‘Privacy’ from the left hand menu. We then recommend undertaking the following steps:
- Who can watch this video?
- Select ‘Hide this video from Vimeo.com'
- Where can this video be embedded?
- Select ‘Only on sites I choose’
- Enter your HammerTech weblink into the box that appears
- Who can comment on this video?
- No one
- Save
- To get the link to embed your video, select ‘Embed’ from the left hand menu.
Select ‘Embed Code’ from the top right of the screen.
Only select the link within the “ “ i.e. https://player.vimeo.com/video/230521619
- Once you have the specific link from Vimeo, paste this link into HammerTech (See Adding Video To A Section)