To Create / Print / Edit Zones
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right-hand corner
- Select PERMITS > Configure Zones
- Once on the 'Permit Zones' page > Select the blue + symbol in the top right hand corner of the screen, this will enable you as a user to add a new 'Permit Zone' to your project / company
Note: HammerTech recommends an alignment between the name of your 'Permit Zones' to those illustrated on your site plans. You can view your site diagram/s by selecting the 'View Diagram' button when you are creating / modifying a Permit Zone - You can associate a visual colour to each 'Permit Zone' you create, this will be presented to users when viewing the digital 'Permit Board' and on the 'Permit Zone' print outs, alongside the QR Code. Next to Colour to Represent Zone select > colour pick (down arrow) > adjust the colour using the slider for the specific colour > once satisfied move your mouse or finger over the text 'select' > the picker will then apply your colour
- When creating a 'Permit Zone' select whether or not the zone should be marked as an 'Exclusion' zone. An 'Exclusion' zone will only allow a single booking to be active/scheduled at a time, where as if not selected, multiple bookings can occur in the same zone at the same time
- The last step is selecting which 'Permit Types' you want the 'Permit Zone' to apply to by selecting the tick-box next to the required 'Permit Types'
- Once you have completed the form, select the 'Create' button, the system will then finalise the creation of your permit zone.
- Continue the above steps, to create all the 'Permit Zones' that your site requires
Editing / Printing-
If you wish to view/edit/print a specific 'Permit Zone' simply select the corresponding 'Name' of the zone.
This will provide you an overview of the Zones content.
- If you wish to edit the zones information, simply modify the name or select another colour to relate to the 'Permit Zone'.
- If you wish to print off the permit zone, so that you can laminate and hang up around your site, select the Options cog in the top right hand side and choose the Print option. This will automatically load your browsers print functionality, where the preview will show the project name, zones name, information on how to access the zone for workers on site manually, the QR Code related to the permit zone and the colour.
- Note: The print preview tab in some browsers will have to be manually closed, to enable you to access other tabs within your browser.
- If you wish to delete a specific 'Permit Zone' simply select the corresponding 'Name' of the zone.
- This will provide you an overview of the Zones content.
- If you wish to delete a permit zone, similar to printing select the 'Options cog' in the top right hand side and simply choose the delete option.