To Modify JHA's And Notify Personnel:
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select JHA's> View All
- Select the JHA's you wish to modify
- Select 'Edit' from the Options cog in the top right hand side of the screen
- Select > Remove Uploaded File and then Select > Choose File and upload the amended JHA.
- Make any other required edits to the page.
- When the JHA document has been modified, a tickbox will appear above the Save Changes button asking you to confirm 'Are JHA updates material changes?'. Select this tickbox if this is correct.
Once completed, Select > Save Changes.
Note: When a Material Change has been made, users that have been configured to receive notifications will automatically be notified via email, text and the Notification window. If the user has a smart phone they will be able to view, sign & acknowledge the JHA on their phone. They will not be able to sign until the JHA attachment has been downloaded and viewed. (See image below).
(Example of message received on smart phone when JHA is updated)