To Configure and Review High Risk JHAs
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select Project Settings > High Risk JHAs Review
- Set up a Review Interval. Note: all JHAs checked as High Risk will periodically flag as requiring review according to the chosen period.
- When a JHA requires a high risk review it will appear on the Dashboard under High Risk JHAs detailing the Time For Next Review. See General > How do I Configure My Dashboard?
To Select a JHA as 'Not in Use'
When a JHA is marked as 'Not in Use', it no longer requires reviewing
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select JHAs > View All
- Select the JHA that you want to mark as 'Not in Use'
- Select the Options cog > Edit
- Select the tick box for 'Not in Use'
- Select Save Changes
*Note: When a company is 'Deactivated' their JHA will automatically be removed from the list of High Risk JHA requiring a review.