Note: Any documents uploaded should be related to safety management for your company or project. All documents (PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF or TXT ) and images (JPEG or PNG) are to be a maximum file size of 5MB.
Adding Documents
- Log into HammerTech (if you are not already logged in,) then navigate using the left hand menu and select Documents. You can also navigate to > Project Settings > Documents, when in a project.
- Once on the Documents page Select the blue plus button in the top right hand corner of the screen, this will navigate you as the user to the 'Documents / Create' page.
- Upload the file through 'Choose File'.
- You now have the option to choose who can view this document through the following options:
- Public - places the document on the Public Site / Homepage only;
- Internal (all users) - for all internal users only; or
- Internal (specific roles) - for internal users only, within the selected groups.
- This document, with the above selections, can then be published to the Current Project Only or All Projects that the user is assigned to (If the user is assigned to all projects then the documents will be available for all projects).
- Once completed Select > + Create.
- You will then return to the list of documents held within the system, stating key document information including whether it is on the Public Site.
- Note: You will be unable to edit the title of the document until after it has been uploaded.
Modifying / Deleting Documents
- Log into HammerTech (if you are not already logged in), then navigate using the left hand menu > Project Settings > Documents.
- Select the document from the list presented on the page that you wish to modify/delete.
- Select the options button on the top right hand side of the screen (cog symbol) > either:
- Edit - make the required changes and select Save Changes; or
- Here you will be able to change the title of the document.
- Delete - the system will prompt you with a message 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Document?'. If you wish to continue and permanently delete select Delete.
- Edit - make the required changes and select Save Changes; or
- Note: Documents added at a company level can only be modified/deleted by a user with admin privileges
Viewing Documents
There are 3 ways of viewing Documents. Either in Project Settings > Documents; from the Company Overview page you can select the Documents > menu from the left-hand menu; or by searching for the document by name using the Search Bar in the top right corner