The HammerTech Permits system allows users to print off Permit Zones to laminate and hang up around the site.
To Print permits zones
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Permits > Configure Zones
- Select the 'name' of the Zone from the list
- Select Print from the Options Cog in the top right-hand side.
This will automatically load your browser's print functionality, where the preview will show the project name, zones name, information on how to access the zone for workers on site manually, the QR Code related to the permit zone and the color.
- Note: The print preview tab in some browsers will have to be manually closed, to enable you to access other tabs within your browser.
- The Permit Zone is now ready to be printed.
See - Permits To Work > Creating / Printing / Editing Zones for further information on Permit Zones.