Employers within the HammerTech system can be deactivated and reactivated when required.
This article explains how to deactivate or reactivate an Employer in the system.
To Deactivate an Employer:
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select Employers > Active
4. Select the Employer you wish to Deactivate
5. Once you are on the Employer profile page, select Options button on the top right hand side of the screen (cog symbol) > Deactivate
6. The system will then inform you if the Employer has any associated data within the system that needs to be preserved, if it does then the Employer will be deactivated but not deleted
7. Select >Deactivate
Note: The Employer will now be transferred to the Deactivated list and all associated Personnel will also be Deactivated.
To Reactivate a Deactivated Employer:
1. Navigate using the left hand menu > select Employers > Deactivated
2. Select the Employer you wish to Reactivate
3. Once you are on the Employer profile page, select > the Options button on the top right hand side of the screen (cog symbol) > Activate
4. The system will ask if you are sure you wish to activate this Employer, select >Activate
Note: The Employer will now return to > Employers > Active and all associated Personnel will also be Reactivated.