To make it easier and quicker to raise any Observations, the HammerTech Safety module allows users to set up Predefined Inspection Observation Text Templates for Observations that commonly occur. These templates are specific to each user but can be shared and used across all projects.
Note: These templates can only be set up by Main Contractor users, however they will be available for Employer users to utilise if they are marked as 'Shared'.
- Log into HammerTech (if you are not already logged in), then navigate using the left hand menu > My Account > Observation Text Template.
- Select the '+Add New' button in the top right hand side of the screen.
- Create a Name for each template that will be easily recognisable e.g. 'Lights' for light bulbs requiring replacing.
- In the Description, write a generic Description for this inspection Observation e.g. 'Light bulb requires replacing in...' and then only the location will need to be entered
- Tick the shared box if you would like the Observation type text template to be shared (company-wide) and have them available to all users when raising Observations.
- Select the Create button, and you will be returned to your list of Defect Observation Templates.
Continue to add as many generic Defect Observations as required