Once Personnel start getting added to the HammerTech system they can be sorted using filters to make it easier to find a specific worker or to group certain workers together.
The filters Personnel can be sorted by are:
- All Status
- Approved
- Approved (not signed)
- Approved (licences updated)
- Awaiting Approval
- Rejected
- Completed
- Incomplete
- Invalidated
- Failed
- Expired
- Deactivated
- Pre-Approval - Ok
- Pre-Approval - Rejected
- Pre-Approval - None
- Flagged - All
- Flagged - Project
- Flagged - System
To sort Personnel using a filter:
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select> PERSONNEL > All Personnel
- Select the filter icon in the top right corner
- Select which filter you wish to use
- To export a copy of the filtered list to a spreadsheet, select the Download icon in the top right corner and > Spreadsheet