If a worker/personnel profile is removed from a project, they can be reactivated and brought back into the same project or imported to a different project later if required.
Note: You can only reactivate workers that were removed from a project, if they were deleted completely from the system, you will not be able to reactivate the worker.
To create a new Inspection
- Log into HammerTech
- Select your required project from the Company Overview drop-down in the top right hand corner
- Select > PERSONNEL > All Personnel
- Select the filter icon in the top right corner and tick the Deactivated option under Status
To Reactivate a worker:
- Select the relevant worker from the list of deactivated workers - on their profile you'll see their Status and the date they were Deactivated from the project.
- Select the 'Options' button in the top right corner and Reactivate