New Feature - [SMM-3794] - Logged in users are now able to update their own email address under My Account, including nominated reps and primary contacts.
New Feature - [SMM-3937] - When configuring Inspection Types you now have the option to hide them from the inspection drop down list on Create page.
Improvement - [SMM-1336] - Users can now configure multiple dashboard tabs for their account, allowing them to easily switch between different options depending on the stage of the project and a user's role.
Improvement - [SMM-3737] - When creating a Permit, users are now able to 'save as draft' even if mandatory fields have not been completed so they can come back to it at another time.
Improvement - [SMM-3953] - Add User Table/Source to reporting API for v0.1, so that user activity can be associated with name/email/jobtitle for individual user stats.
Improvement - [SMM-3351] - Employer users can now easily see a worker's current approval and test status when viewing their personnel list.
Improvement - [SMM-3955] - Added the Edit Polygon from permits to bookings as well so users can configure their own zones on maps.
Improvement - [SMM-2313] - Hours work report now sorted alphabetically by Employer.
Improvement - [SMM-3889] - Allowed the same subform to be used more than once in a custom form.
Improvement - [SMM-2363] - PDF exports will now included any subforms.
Improvement - [SMM-3882] - Weather/Forecast comments in the Site Diary now show up in the pdf export.
Improvement - Created a work around for issue in MAC OSX safari v11.1-11.3 when empty file input is present.
Improvement - [SMM-3914] - When logged in as an Employer User and creating a permit, the personnel list is now in alphabetical order.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3897] - JHA Edit wasn't working correctly in some circumstances when an SDS was associated.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3733] - Resolved an issue with Image Upload custom fields and improved popup and rendering behaviour.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3943] - Created a fix after Permit time function on Firefox stopped working.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3940] - Unable to select the Reject Only JHA - not SDS option in some cases.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3861] - Fixed a typo on confirmation when deleting equipment.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3910] - When viewing personnel within the Employer Self Service, file upload button was still appearing as active on details page.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3927] - Fixed layout issue with 'Is employer allowed to create' checkbox on Meetings page.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3931] - Fixed the filtering for the report on Personnel with Expiring Licenses.
Bug Fix - [SMM-3919] - Fixed issue with validating email addresses when creating a new user in the system.