New Feature - [SMM-4003] - Added ability when configuring an inspection type, to specify a distribution group to be automatically added as recipients when the inspection is created.
New Feature - [SMM-4044] - Linked expiry date fields used within Custom Sections, to the Upcoming/Expiring services dashboard so users can keep track of custom items.
Improvement - [SMM-4207] - When child inspections are assigned to another user, the company they are from will show in the table that displays in the parent inspection.
Improvement - [SMM-4117] - Users completing an inspection are now able to unselect Yes/No and Yes/No/Na checklist questions, in case of mistakes, or wanting to leave a question blank.
Improvement - [SMM-3977] - Rearranged the employer edit page welcome email to make it more clear.
Improvement - [SMM-3981] - Added file type and size validation to welcome email attachments to avoid issues with sending files that are too large or potentially malicious.
Improvement - [SMM-3580] - Replaced all MSDS references with SDS.
Improvement - [SMM-] - Updated behavior so custom sections always display in uppercase in the menu.
Improvement - [SMM-3977] - Added new 'Raised' column in Issues list to make it clear the user and company that identified the issue.
Improvement - [SMM-4245] - On the issue review page, under Identified By heading the company name will be displayed along with the user.
Improvement - [SMM-4244] - On the issue edit page, the identification panel will be automatically open to make it clear the user and company that raised an issue.
Improvement - [SMM-3729] - On incident forms, if system fields are excluded or there are no custom fields set up the relevant panel headings will be hidden.
Improvement - [SMM-3966] - The checklist types and custom field editor now showing options in alphabetical order.
Improvement - [SMM-3584] - Changed behavior of Nominated Rep display in Employer list for mobile.
Improvement - [SMM-3842] - Updated permissions so that Standard Users can export the Daily Report to pdf.