Improvement - [SMM-4175] - When editing standard users in user management at a company level, any project level permissions that were customised for that user are now retained.
Improvement - [SMM-4385] - Improved performance generating notifications.
Improvement - [SMM-4377] - Added ability to disable vehicle details, emergency contact and address details for logged in users completing the registration form.
Improvement - [SMM-4006] - Changed behaviour so daily report admins have access to edit other individual user diary entries, and have the system show 'last edited by' details.
Improvement - [SMM-4279] - Checklists will now remain open after assigning out a child inspection, to make it easier for users wanting to continue finishing the checklist they are working on.
Improvement - [SMM-3975] - Updated worker equipment inspection page to show correct AU english.
Improvement - [SMM-2964] - Incorrect US spelling of License in Equipment at the bottom of the screen when adding new equipment.
Improvement - [SMM-4243] - Fixed text in US Environment Enrollment page.
Improvement - [SMM-3925] - Fixed filter drop down on permits view all list for certain devices.
Improvement - [SMM-3560] - At a certain screen resolution (typical with tablets/ipads) the project list drop down can be viewed more easily.