Once the Bookings module has been configured, Bookings can be viewed and managed via the Bookings Calendar. The Calendar is available from a logged in view and via the Public Page (a non logged in view).
This article will explain the Bookings Calendar and how to use it.
Before following these instructions, make sure the following requirements have been met....
- Request HammerTech to activate the Bookings module within your system.
- If you cannot see BOOKINGS within the left hand menu, please have someone with Admin access in HammerTech to email our support team requesting we turn this module on - support@hammertech.com.au
- Booking Types and Booking Zones have been configured within your system. To do this, see Bookings > Configure Booking Types & Zones
How to open the Bookings Calendar:
To view the calendar while logged in:
- Log in to HammerTech and navigate to your project.
- In the left-hand menu, select Bookings and then View Calendar.
- The Bookings Calendar will now appear within a separate tab.
To view the calendar from the public page:
- Select the project from the public page.
- In the left hand menu, select Bookings.
- Select the View Calendar.
- The Bookings Calendar will now appear within a separate tab.
Once in the calendar, you can view and edit existing bookings or create new bookings.
See instructions further down the page on how to use the various options available.
NOTE: When viewing a booking in the calendar, if you see the symbol, this indicates the booking is re-occurring.
How to create bookings from within the calendar:
- Open the Bookings Calendar (see above for instructions). Note: this can only be completed while logged in to HammerTech.
- To open the create pop-up screen:
- In an unallocated time slot - click onto the calendar to open the create pop-up.
- In an allocated time slot - hover over the booking that has already been created, and select the '+' in the details pop up.
3. Once you are in the create pop-up, follow the instructions here Bookings > Add A Booking
Approving and rejecting bookings from within the calendar:
- Open the Bookings Calendar (see above for instructions). Note: this can only be completed while logged in to HammerTech.
- Hover over a booking that is in pending review - these will be shown in orange.
- Within the details pop-up, select to Approve or Reject.
Editing or viewing bookings within the calendar:
- Open the Bookings Calendar (see above for instructions). Note: this can only be completed while logged in to HammerTech.
- Hover over a booking to display the details pop-up.
- To edit the booking - click on the edit (pencil) icon.
- To view the booking - click on the REF Number.
Applying filters within the calendar:
- Open the Bookings Calendar (see above for instructions). Note: this can be completed while logged in or from the public page.
- In the top right corner, select the Filter button.
- In the Calendar Filter pop-up you will be able to choose from the following filter options:
- Start Date
- Booking Zones
- Booking Types
- Employer
- Time Interval
- Days to Show
- Show Default Timing - Site Timing
- Select all of the required filters, and select Apply.
Moving Bookings
Note: this can not be completed on phones or tablets.
- Open the Bookings Calendar (see above for instructions). Note: this can only be completed while logged in to HammerTech.
- In the top right corner, select the Move Bookings.
- Once you are in the move bookings mode, you will be able to:
- click on a booking and drag it
- move bookings to different zones, days and times
- approve and reject bookings
- Once you are complete, select Save
- Any notifications will now be sent to Employers notifying them of the amended booking/s.
Further Reading
- Refer to Bookings > Overview