This article explains how the Main Contractor can add an Employer (Sub Contractor) into the system.
It is broken into three stages, being...
First Steps
Creating a new Employer
Creating a Primary Contact
- Start by logging into HammerTech, and selecting the Project you wish to add the Employer to
- Where necessary, You can add a new Employer at a Company Level too. Reasons for this include:
- Where you wish to add them to ALL projects
- Where you have turned off the ability for Standard Users to add Employers at a Project level
- Where necessary, You can add a new Employer at a Company Level too. Reasons for this include:
- Once you have navigated to the relevant project, using the left hand menu, click on Employers and in the expanded menu, click on Active
At this point, it is recommended to conduct both of the below checks to Search for the Employer to ensure they do not already exist within the system. To do this click on the Blue Plus (+) button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Now use the Employer Profile section to do your searches via...
Business Name:
- Start typing the first few letters of the Employers name into the Employers Search
- If the Employer exists within the system, they will appear within the list that is presented
- Enter the company's EIN into the EIN field within Employer Profile
- If the Employer exists within the system, they will appear within the list that is presented
- If the Employer is found in either of the searches please refer to Importing An Existing Employer
Once the above search has been completed and the Employer has not been found within the system, it is time to create the new Employer.
- Start entering the Employer's details ensuring the completion of the Business Name and EIN
- Should the Employer be part of a Parent Employer that already exists within the system, select the Parent Employer from the drop-down list
- Enter the Physical Address and Mailing Address details for the Employer
- Enter any relevant Insurance details (this is usually left for the Employer to do themselves)
- Select whether you want the Employer to be added to the Site Diary - This is so their progress reports and site numbers can be added.
- Select a Start Date for the Employer. If not in the future, just select the current day
- Now you can click on Create Employer Or click on the up arrow next to Create Employer and select Create, then add another employer
- You are now taken to the new Employers profile page where you will need to add a Primary Contact in order to send them a Welcome Email
The Primary Contact is an important role within the HammerTech system. Depending on the size of the Employer, this individual is not usually the person on site. They will most likely be office based and will be responsible for ensuring their personnel have completed Inductions and submitted SWMS.
- Click on the Blue plus (+) symbol next to Primary Contact
- Select if it is to be a new person or an existing person that is already linked to that Employer.
For a brand new Employer that has not been on any other projects, it will always be new - Enter the person's email address and click validate
- If the contact is already in the system a message will be displayed and their details will carry over
- Select whether they will be a Company or Project level Primary Contact
- Enter the rest of the Primary Contacts information, including First and Last name and mobile
- Select if the person should Receive Site Notifications (selected by default)
- Select if the person should have Access to Confidential Information (selected by default)
- Select if the Welcome Email should be sent to this person
- If yes, add any extra instructions
- Select Submit. This Employer will now appear in the list of active employers
Two important emails will now be sent, as follows...
New HammerTech User Account
An email will go to the Primary Contact with details on how to activate their Hammertech account and login.
Welcome Email
A Welcome Email is an email is sent out to the Primary Contact, welcoming them to the system and the project, and requesting them to start inducting Personnel and submitting SWMS.