On top of the extensive selection of default dashboards, Insights also allows you to create bespoke custom Dashboards to suit your own requirements.
There are 2 methods to create your own dashboards. You can create a brand-new dashboard from scratch, or you can duplicate an existing HammerTech dashboard and configure that to your needs.
Create a new Dashboard
A new dashboard is a blank canvas. Users can add and arrange insights, filters and descriptors into the blank canvas however they like. To start the process of creating a bespoke custom Dashboard, please follow these steps.
- Log into HammerTech
- Select Insights from the left hand navigation menu
- Insights will open in a new tab
- Click the + symbol in the top left corner
- This launches the custom dashboard builder
This will then open up a blank page where a variety of default system insights, as well as custom insights you have made, are listed on the left hand panel. Simply click and drag these insights onto the blank dashboard.
At this point we highly recommend you have a play around to get familiar with the various options available as there is a wide array of different configurations possible.
Duplicate an existing Dashboard
Users may find some of the existing dashboards useful however just want to rearrange the insights or replace a specific insight with something else but keep the rest of the dashboard the same. To do this, users must first duplicate, then modify the duplicated dashboard.
Note: The duplication step is required first as HammerTech may release updates or changes to the base dashboard.
To duplicate an existing dashboard, users first need to open the existing dashboard you wish to duplicate. In the top right hand corner, select the 3 dots and then “save as new”. A popup will then ask for the user to name the new dashboard and then select “create dashboard”. Once the new dashboard is duplicated, users can then edit (also via the top right corner of the duplicated dashboard) to modify the page how they wish.
In the top right hand corner, select the 3 dots
Select “Save as New”
Rename the dashboard
Select “Create Dashboard”
Go to the top right hand corner and select “Edit”
Available selections
Below is a high level overview of the tools you can use when building your Insights Dashboard...
New Item
Pre Built Insights
Section Headings
Private and Sharing
Click where it says 'Untitled' to rename the dashboard to suit your needs
New Item:
Using the three displayed Options in the 'New Item' box you can create new metrics from scratch. The three available options are Insight, Key Performance Indicator and Attribute Filter.
You can add one of these New Items by selecting it with your left mouse button, making sure to hold it down, then drag the item over to your Dashboard. When you release the left mouse button, it will drop into place.
Pre built Insights:
Rather than having to build an Insight completely from scratch, you can select from a large range of prebuilt Insights and add these to your Dashboard. These pre built Insights include off the shelf Insights included in Insights as well as any you have built yourself and saved.
As per the 'New Item' selection, you can drag and drop these onto your dashboard.
Section Headings:
After adding information into your Dashboard, you can give those sections a title. Just click Add Title here to perform this action.
Once you have created and saved your Dashboard, it will appear as a selection in the Private section of the left hand navigation menu.