Added: Insights; Insight Custom Fields allows Users to export a list of the Custom Fields that have been selected with the 'Reports (Insights)' permission, grouped by module
Fixed: User Management; Receiving a 404 error when opening user profiles with the status of Awaiting, or Inactive
Fixed: User Management; When removing a user as Region Admin the region they were an admin for did not show in the ‘Add user to current projects’ list until after you had saved changes
Enhanced: Ability for Employers to edit a Booking. When edited the status will go back to Pending Review
Custom Sections
Fixed: Employer submitted custom sections were not appearing for approval when there was no review checklist configured
Daily Report
Enhanced: Modifications to the Daily Report PDF export;
- Removed blank space in the report by combining items that were getting their own page into one single panel
- Employers marked off site will not be added to the report
- Added a summary for total hours worked, total workers on site to the Employer Progress
- Updated the Observation panel to remove description and changed the first column to Responsible Party
- Added numbers next to headers to indicate number submitted
- Prevented mid-paragraph splitting
- Standardized No Records Found across all modules"
Fixed: Approving or rejecting employer progress report via the option cog was not behaving as expected
Enhanced: Ability to now set an email address when adding a nominated rep if they don’t already have one configured
Enhanced: Can now remove the Parent Employer if it has been set
Insights is a brand new module which is a set of dashboards within HammerTech that allows users to analyse their data from other modules within the platform.
Learn more here
Fixed: Creating or cloning a meeting that had a large dataset was timing out before the meeting was saved
Enhanced: Skip validation on Signature with Name field when hidden
Enhanced: Personnel can now sign into more than one project simultaneously
Fixed: Permit Sign In page was showing the number of Personnel signed into all Permits
Fixed: Save as Draft, Reject, & Approve buttons were all behaving as if the Save Changes button was pressed when accessing from an Apple device
Added: Support for Swiss phone numbers without the need for the country code when the worker selects Switzerland as their country on enrollment
Fixed: Error message “LicenceSetRequest_FrontPhotoId_StoredFile_CanNotSaveNewSinceNotInDraftStatus” was occurring when cloning a licence
Fixed: Personnel who completed an orientation for which content was subsequently removed were showing orientation status of N/A
Pre Task Plans
Fixed: When filtering by date for projects in a different time zone, the selected dates were displaying one day earlier than selected
Fixed: When filtering by date for projects in a different time zone the selected dates were displaying one day earlier than selected"
Project Settings
Fixed: TV Devices; When a screen was unselected from a TV Device, changes saved, a fatal error was occurring when trying to edit that TV Device again
Enhanced: Improved content and formatting of emailed reports
Fixed: Report validation issues were not being displayed in some browsers resulting in the user expecting a report to be emailed which was not generated
As well as 23 other behind the scenes improvements & bug fixes