System Wide
Added: Language selector on menu bar to change the default system language for the logged in user
Supported languages are;
- English (Australia/New Zealand)
- English (UK/Europe)
- English (United States)
- Chinese Simplified
- French (France)
- German
- Italian
- Spanish (Spain)
- Spanish (US/Mexico)
Enhanced: Improved performance when returning large lists of users and projects
Daily Report
Fixed: Auto Sign-Out was not populating the finish time within worker hours
Fixed: Fatal error was occurring when saving a sub-form that failed validation
Fixed: Workers had the option of selecting a company distribution group as additional recipients when completing a plant inspection
Added: Display the source of signature capture next to each signature
Fixed: When receiving a child JHA via SMS or Email the worker was able to sign off without downloading the document
Enhanced: System notifications have been updated to only send to users who have Edit permission or higher (to the Observations module) as assigned in User Permission Sets
Added: Personnel in Pending Approval status can now sign onto Approved JHAs
Enhanced: Validation is now applied on API calls to create & update worker details to ensure that the country provided is accepted, and the state/county provided is available for the set country
Fixed: When filtering for expired orientations there were non-expired orientations returned in the list
Fixed: Sub Contractor users were being logged out when importing a Personnel from another project
Fixed: Workers with an expired company orientation that were imported to a new project got stuck in a loop and wouldn’t be able to progress pass the first orientation for that project
Public Page
Enhanced: Added Turkish as a supported language
As well as 13 other behind the scenes improvements & bug fixes