Enhanced: User Management; Submit button is disabled once clicked while changes are being saved
Enhanced: Inspection categories now require a name to be entered before they can be created
Fixed: Deactivated workers were receiving notifications for material changes made to JHAs
Fixed: Child JHAs were displaying duplicate records against a worker when that worker was added from that Child JHAs
Fixed: Deactivated workers were available to be selected when adding workers to a Meeting.
Fixed: When using Hammertech via the Safari web browser on iPhone devices PDF files were not being downloaded as expected
Fixed: When an admin user was closing an Observation using Resolved they were being prompted to upload a fix photo even if one was already attached
Pre Task Plans
Fixed: Equipment shared with an employer was not displayed as an option to select
Public Page
Fixed: Fatal error was occurring if a worker double clicked the Submit button during orientation questions
Fixed: When a mandatory license type was associated to a job title and then deleted it was still showing as required for workers with that job title during orientation
As well as 17 other behind the scenes improvements & bug fixes