Added: Sign-In Configuration; added the ability to configure Sign-In questions in multiple languages
Enhanced: Employer is now shown when adding specific Primary Contacts to a bulletin
Added: Employer column to Unsigned JHAs dashboard. Dashboard is now ordered by Employer then Worker
Enhanced: Unsigned JHAs dashboard is now available at the Project level
Enhanced: Incidents Dashboard is hidden when the Incidents module is not in use
Fixed: PDF Report rule condition was failing where there were additional spaces in the selected list option but not the comparison value set in the rules
Enhanced: Hide the ability to view Incident from the Injury’s module when the Incidents module is not in use
Fixed: Deleted observations were still displayed in Insights
Fixed: When a worker changed the selected language in an equipment inspection the page was not displaying correctly
Fixed: Equipment was not being returned for Employer users when using the search function
Pre Task Plans
Enhanced: When adding a task you can now link multiple Hazards and Controls in the same window
Enhanced: Task list is now ordered by the date they were created so they remain in that order when the PTP is cloned
Fixed: Time stamp was not accurately reflecting the time of action in the local time zone of the project
Project Settings
Enhanced: User Management; removed remaining User Roles (Document Access Only & External Representative (Read Only) and created applicable User Permissions (View Permissions for Documents module & View Permissions for all modules, except Incidents, Injuries, Insights)
Fixed: Site Diagram; clicking the Create button multiple times generated duplicate site diagrams
Public Page
Enhanced: Increased the time between refreshes on the Permit Board
Enhanced: Training Matrix report now has the option to send the report via email